UN Waste Summit Promises Action On Plastic Packaging Waste

UN Waste Summit Promises Action On Plastic Packaging Waste

March 2022 UN Summit on Plastic Packaging Waste Management

Global leaders have met in Nairobi at the 5th UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA) to discuss two significant proposals for UN resolutions. One is focused on the lifecycle of plastics ‘from source to sea’, and has already gained support from 70 countries, including the EU 27.

A second resolution, proposed by Japan, turns attention to plastic packaging waste management and prioritizes marine litter. Together these proposals offer significant progress in defining and legislating to control plastic waste on a global scale.

The US and France have agreed to jointly support the UN proposals to reach a global agreement to address the full lifecycle of plastics and promote a circular economy. The global partners to these proposals are seeking immediate and direct action that has wide ranging implications.

“Source To Sea” Food Packaging Waste Management

UN Waste Summit Promises Action On Plastic Packaging Waste

Every minute, the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into the ocean

Current proposals being enacted in the UK and EU seek to make producers responsible for waste disposal of food packaging. This includes the recent ban on many single-use plastics in the EU, with the UK currently working on its own legislation. Methods to identify the producers of food packaging and track the movement of plastic waste from origin to disposal are already in place in many countries.

The emerging UN “Source to Sea” proposal for tracking, monitoring and identifying the origins and destinations of waste worldwide now offers a comprehensive, global, approach to plastic waste management that promises to clamp down on rogue plastic manufacture and reckless disposal.

As a high quality food packaging manufacturer, we welcome greater transparency and regulation of plastic waste. Alongside the necessity to safeguard the environment, reputational damage to brands and producers that is caused by irresponsible waste disposal is very significant.

Today’s customers expect better, and we can do better for them than continuing to manufacture plastic food packaging that is hard to recycle and environmentally hazardous. The implementation of producer responsibility and stronger enforcement powers has very positive outcomes for environmental protection and improving the quality of food packaging.

Controlling Marine Microplastic Pollution

The importance of controlling plastic litter in the marine environment is very well understood. Microplastics from uncontrolled disposal of non-biodegradable plastics in landfills have reached every corner of the world’s oceans. The Japanese proposal is backed by other countries in the region that are seriously impacted by both visible and invisible marine plastic pollution.

The visible impact of plastic containers and objects that wash up on our beaches and threaten marine life is clear to see, but this is only part of the problem. Microplastics created by the uncontrolled degradation of traditional plastics are more dangerous to human and animal health as these enter the food chain and remain in the environment for generations.

The Future of Sustainable Plastic Food Packaging

At South Plastic we are constantly innovating to produce high performance environmentally sustainable food packaging. Technological advances in recycling and batch additives mean there is no need to compromise on quality or performance.

Addressing Micro-Plastic Waste Through Biotransformation

UN Waste Summit Promises Action On Plastic Packaging Waste

At South Plastic we have partnered with Polymateria to manufacture naturally biodegradable plastics that are both recyclable in standard processes and also break down in normal environmental conditions harmlessly without releasing microplastics.

Our Cycle+ food packaging uses patented Biotransformation technology to ensure the packaging is stable, recyclable, and performs perfectly during its working life. After a preset period of time of up to two years, enzymes added in the plastic manufacturing process activate and trigger the decomposition of Cycle+ plastics into harmless by-products.

Recyclable Alternatives to PET

Visible plastic waste in both the marine and land environments is dominated by PET plastics. At South Plastic we have designed easily recyclable and reusable PP food packaging that outperforms PET for clarity and ease of recycling to enable food producers to choose a more environmentally sustainable option.

Food Safe RPET Reduces PET Waste

UN Waste Summit Promises Action On Plastic Packaging Waste

Our PET manufacturing processes include recovery or PET from the manufacturing process to eliminate waste during production. RPET is food safe and reduces the environmental burden of PET if you require a PET solution for food packaging.

Discover Our Range of Sustainable Food Packaging Products

UN Waste Summit Promises Action On Plastic Packaging Waste

Contact us at South Plastic to discuss how our innovative technologies can meet your needs for environmentally friendly plastic food packaging, including microwave safe, tamper evident and ultraclear packaging.

All our plastic food packaging has recyclable and biodegradable options to address the concerns of modern consumers as well as legislators. We can enable you to meet the requirements of new and emerging legislation with genuinely sustainable solutions.

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Version: 1.09.18